I’ve released a new plugin for bulk creation of posts! Other plugins on the wordpress.org repository handled a strict subset of functionality such as posts and categories ( but not pages or tags), while others simply didn’t work. I set out to build an alternative that was extendable, reliable, and could handle custom post types and statuses.
Here is the UI:

Users select which status and post type they’d like at the top and press go. A card containing a tinyMCE editor slides in from the top, the user can then add detail and save. There’s no limit to the number of items you can edit at any one time, and they can be discarded or thrown away at will.
In addition, the AJAX routines handle nonces and capability verification, something all plugins should do as standard, but has been somewhat missing.
I’ve also included a plethora of filters to add or override the html/fields/labels/buttons of each message/editor/toolbar.
So click here to download Bulk Entry
There will be a follow up post on creating TinyMCE instances via JS after a page has loaded