A WordPress plugin for fast entry of post types in large quantities. When a client requested the ability to quickly enter large numbers of posts, I did some research to see what had already been built, and was unimpressed with the results.
Rival plugins failed to sanitise and validate data, check credentials, or integrate into the provided AJAX APIs. Text entry was based on text boxes with raw html, and they failed to support for the full range of post statuses, taxonomies, and post types that were available on the current WordPress instance.
So I set about creating my own. Features included:
- TinyMCE visual editors
- Custom Post type support
- Custom post status support
- AJAX powered
- Validates against Coding standards
- Checks Capabilities and Nonces for security
- Filters for adding and saving extra fields
I also took the opportunity to simplify and standardise the interface. Rather than putting elements together as I needed them, I created a card based system.

At the top, a form arranged into a sentence would let you specify what you wanted, then you would submit your request and a new card would drop down. This would push down the other cards into a timeline of sorts.

At any time a card could be discarded or submitted, and doing so would move the card off to the right where it would vanish, leaving a small message in its place indicating success or failure.